Online TEF Preparation

Your French Teacher is a Certified TEF Examiner!

TEF examiner

TEF preparation course

The TEF (Test d’Evaluation du Français) is administered by the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris (CCIP). 

TEF Workshop

Thorough practice in a stimulating learning environment ensures you’ll be prepared to succeed on the day of your TEFaq  / TEF test.

Simulation Test

TEFaq, TEF Canada simulation test
Test Score Analysis by a Certified TEF Examiner!

TEF Mock Test

Face to face on Zoom / Teams
+ Self-study platform

Test d’Evaluation de Français (TEF)
TEF Canada, TEFaQ

Get the most out of your TEFaQ or TEF Canada test. Thorough practice in a stimulating learning environment ensures you’ll be prepared to succeed on the day of your test.

icon cours de français en ligneThis program prepares you for the TEFAQ (TEF Quebec) or TEF Canada test for immigration to Quebec, Canada.
icon cours de français en ligneProgram Durationu: Depends on your current level and the level you wish to achieve. (The shortest course: 5h)
icon cours de français en ligneWe cover all topics for TEF Canada and just two topics (Listening, Speaking) that are tested in TEFaq exam.



The course is designed to enable you to advance your oral comprehension and expression. Enrich your reading and writing expression.  

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